Friday, July 1, 2011

What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?

Lucía Llorente ruiz
What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?
If I got lost in an unfamiliar city the first thing I would do to ask a person if she knew where the place i was looking for was, then i would  take my phone and try to research online the way of the place  i was going to. If I was in a forest or location didn’t have 3G access or people i would had to do  first thing have to do calm down. i would try to find way out quickly.
When I was 14 years old, I was in Dublin with my school on a field trip. We lived in different houses. My house was very far from  the school that I went to. I had to walk a lot. One day, I hung out with a friend and when I returned home I took a different street and I got lost. In this street no one was there so I couldn’t  ask for directions and I didn’t have a phone with 3G either, so i was not able to use the GPS. First I called my father, my dad started to laugh a lot, that wasn’t very helpful, I was so nervous so I called my tutor but my tutor didn’t know how to help me neither. I called my “mom” and I didn’t know English so I don’t know how she understood me but she found me but she was still able to find me.
When you are in a difficult situation you can at first feel very bad and be very nervous. As  time passes you will eventually see this situation to be very funny. The most important thing to do when you get lost is to not to be over react, calm down and always try to find different ways.

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