Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with?

        We spend so much time watching or reading advertising that we do not even need. Experts believe that the amount time of advertisement should be controlled in some ways otherwise the people's income spends on equipment that they do not need. I think also that the advertising it is very important for many things.
I very much disagree with the statement on TV always trying to sell you a lot of things that you think that this thing is useful but when you carry it it’s not useful. For example when I am watching criminal mind and the TV show goes to the commercial and most of them are selling product that are not useful. Yesterday I was watching commercial TV and the started. It was offering something to move furniture. I thought this stupid commercial because if it only cost 5 dollars it probably would not work after a few days.
Also the commercials are bad for the children. When they see TV a toy on that they like they want it, and many products are not of this products is not like the advertising says. The commercials confuse children and the children believe. My brother is a good example. He is obsessive about cars and he loves all kinds of cars. He saw on the TV a car track and he wanted it. He saved for it for 3 month. He went to the store and bought the car track. When he come home and started to play, he realized it was not the same to the advertising. He cried a lot. He learnt his lesson.
Advertising can be useful because if a new product goes on the market you can compare it to other products. You can also know that this product is new. I though advertising especially love the technology and specific the apple store I love when I saw the TV or the new and I saw that there is a new product of apple. I am always interested in seeing the new item on TV
Commercials always make you think about and to buying one day but have to realize that sometimes you can make bad decisions buying thing online and on the phone.

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